Design Your
Perfect HRIS 

Use our HRIS Requirements Builder to quickly identify your must-haves and nice-to-haves
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Build your requirements with precision & simplicity

OutSail's requirements builder can jump start your HRIS evaluation process by allowing you to easily build your must-have and nice-to-have list

Instant market knowledge

Our requirements builder has over 200 common HRIS features built-in so you can easily see what is standard in the market

Customized software match

Once you've determined your specific needs, our team can recommend the HRIS platforms which best fit your requirements

Informed decision-making

By providing you with a comprehensive requirements list, our tool equips you to make informed and confident decisions about your HRIS choices.

Seamless experience

The HRIS Requirements Builder offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface, making the process of defining your ideal system a breeze.

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